Instruments in the Junk Modelling Workshop

Jose, 6th grader decided to make an instrument at home using different materials he got in the junk modelling workshop. Thank you Jose.

We also made an exhibition of all 6th graders creations.

Thank you again kids.

Comenius 'mascot' also visited us

Junk modelling and Comenius visit

During the Comenius teachers visit in our school in May, Knut Ă˜ilo, the project coordinator from Norway visited and helped us with our work in the Junk Modelling workshop.

Thank so much you Knut!

The Green/Meeting point!

This month and with the great spring weather, the green point has also been a meeting point specially with 6th grades.
Some students have been practising music songs for the performance or just enjoying being with us during the break time.
Thank you again kids!

May and 6th Graders Congratulations to you all! Thank you kids!

All 6th graders that have been in the Green Point working on Junk Modelling are invited to come again in June. You all did a great job!

Thank you so much students!

May winners and participants! Lots of students this month! Thank you kids!


Kids working in the junk modelling workshop!